sitting in the audience, listening to another speaker . . .
"Mr. Landa is well known for his commitment to environmental issues, including those which we have here in Manly."
I sat down quickly and Landa took the floor. He spoke for half an hour, with great force and enthusiasm, summarising the whole of the Government's program. He quoted the facts and figures with ease, comparing them with those of the Askin Government. The message was more about achievements than promises, responsibility more than sentiment. HIs style was more formal than that of Walker, with less warmth but more authority.
Landa was obviously a bright young man on his way, with his hands firmly on the reins of power. After the speech he expertly fielded a few questions, there was a vote of thanks, and he departed, out into the night.
I was left to mingle with the crowd and to cope with a variety of queries about the Government's intentions. An hour later the room had emptied and I was free to go.
It had been an exhausting and confusing day. Landa's manner was abrasive, even rude; but what he said was essentially true, if not tactful. Who was he trying to win votes for? There was no doubt, however, that he had left a favorable impression at the dinner, and we had made a profit of $67.90.