Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 141

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        As we started up the steps of the Harbord Diggers Club. Landa shot a question at me, "What is your profession?"   I told him that I was a biologist.

"Good," he said, "I could do with one in the caucus."

        The arrangements for the lunch had been meticulous.   We were quickly ushered inside and upstairs to a specially reserved table, set aside from the regular dining area so that the Minister and his party could eat in privacy.

        We had started to sit down, when Landa complained that the table had no view.   The waiters hastely moved us to a table beside a window, which had a view of the car park.   This placated Landa:   "At least I have enough light here to see what I'm eating," he said as he started into a large, carefully prepared dish of fish and salad.

        I had selected Marilyn Fox to sit next to the Minister.   As a bright young female and an attractive female, she seemed to have a good influence.   Landa started to talk in a much more relaxed manner, mostly about his own ideals.   There was no political bluster.   He spoke frankly and apparently with sincereity.

        He was committed to taking strong measures to protect the environment, but was handicapped by some other members of the cabinet who had "tunnel vision".   He had no time for greedy developers, who only thought  

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