above the dressing rooms, where men or women could be completely nude and exposed to the sun, safe from the gaze of the opposite sex.
The salt had got into the steel reinforcing beneath the surface of the concrete, rusting and cracking. The Council had spent thousands of dollars on repairs but the problem was now plainly beyond control.
Landa made it clear that the Government would not help by "throwing good money after bad". In fact, as the relevant minister he would not sign a conservation order, and the building would be demolished.
He started down the stairs which led to the sand, only to retreat as a wave splashed at his shoes; "Anyway, this should have never been built so close to the water. .. We won't let that happen again," he scowled, "that's what the Coastal Protection Act is going to stop!"
The Club President suggested that the lifesavers needed to be close to the surf.
"Don't give me that," Landa responded, "I've been a member of a club for years and I swim at Bondi every day. I know that you blokes are just lazy - you want to fall out of bed into the water!"
We left the doomed pavilion in silence.