could flow on to me. He assured me that he would run a colourful campaign.
Michael Darby announced his candidacy in May, amid rumours of efforts by the Liberals to head him off. It was even said that Meers had offered Douglas Darby a knighthood from the Frazer Government. But the elder Darby made his attitude in the Daily. He would not be supporting Meers. Neither would his son.
The younger Darby started his campaign immediately with advertisemens and handbills promoting both his political and business interests. His propoganda had a unique format. Under the heading "Darby for Manly", various claims were made in favour of Darby as a candidate and against Meers. Below, under the heading "Darby for Money", was a straight out plug for the Darby finance company -- the Centre Lease Corporation.
At the end of August, after months of specualtion, Wran announced that the election would be held on September 19. We were into the final dash for the winning post.
All the opinion polls, including several that were conducted in Manly, indicated that the ALP was well ahead. Bruce McDonald, who had replaced John Mason as Leader of the Opposition, had proved to be no match for Wran, and the media was openly contemptuous of him.