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week to show in six local cinemas. Huge "Meers for Manly" posters, featuring the toothy smile, were placed on rented billboards in shopping centres all over the electorate. He offered sponsorship to sporting bodies in return for their endorsement. The Rugby Union Club was delighted to accept funding from a manufacturer of cheap ladies clothes, whom Meers introduced. The club president sang his praises accordingly. Meers offered to supply a surf club with a new power rescue boat, but his requirement for the members to wear "Meers for Manly" T shirts was too much. He was rebuffed and even asked to leave the annual general meeting of the Freshwater Club.
The Meers doorknocking operation was conducted on a grand scale. Letters would be distributed in a locality announcing that he would be visiting the following Sunday morning. At about 10 am on the sabbath, Meers would arrive in a large truck, which bore giant "Smiley" pictures of him on either side. A phalanx of "dolly birds" walked ahead, rousing the inhabitants from their Sunday rest, and asking if they would like to come out into the street and meet Mr Nelson Meers, Endorsed Liberal Candidate for Manly. Should they be brought into action. Everybody knew that he had appeared.
Because of his high public profile, Meers had little difficulty in gaining exposure on radio and
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