ferry had been.
"There must be something overseas. We can buy one that's already built."
He had made up his mind. Ferries were needed but hydrofoils were fun.
As we went in to lunch, Wran became the serious, urban Premier -- aware of the problems of business and willing to lend his support to the struggling traders.
Wran sat between Thorburn and me. Wearing her specially fitted chain of office, the Mayor exerted her authority by giving the Premier a detailed exposition of tourism in Manly. At her suggestion, he took out his speech and made some minor amendments with his black felt pen.
When Wran made his speech, he told the crowd about the value of tourism for business and for residents. His government, through the local member, would support the Manly Council and the chamber of commerce in improving tourist facilities. At the same time the quality of life for residents should be protected. He read out the list of projects which would be funded. Unfortunately, the long awaited ferry had been delayed. He raised his eyes from the text:
"In the meantime, after soncultation with Alan Stewart, I have decided to obtain a new hydrofoil. This will be delivered before Christmas."
There was enthusiastic applause.