Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 767

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ecologist at the National Herbarium in the Royal Botanic Gardens. She was a specialist on forests.

"Would you like to come on a picnic with me on Sunday?" I asked her.

"Hmm... Whereabouts?" She did not always take me seriously.  

"In a rainforest... At Terania."

"Its a date. But I had better clear it with my boss."

The Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Laurie Johnston was enthusiastic. Marilyn and another scientist from the Herbarium were to join our party. Landa would send his executive officer, John Whitehouse; and a scientist from the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Lorraine Cairns. Other experts would meet use at the site.

Landa and Gordon had both intended to go themselves: but fearing a clash in public, Wran had told them to stay away.

That Friday night, I happened to be attending a reception at the State Office Block. Mixing with the guests, I noticed Wran and Landa standing near the entrance, deep in conversation. Landa called me over.

"Dont let the Forestry Commission take over the trop," Landa said, "you are in charge of the party."

"Who elected me to be in charge?" I asked.

"Just take charge,: said the Premier, "You have

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