by clause. There was no need to explain the political nuances to Watters, whom Rod later described as a €œtrue rationalist €œ.
After an hour, we had agreed on all the passages which needed re-writing. Skill would now be required to change the draft, without appearing to alter the views of the original authors. This delicate job was given to a talented young woman who was specially employed by the Premier as a €œghost €œ writer on such projects-- Jerry Gleeson was pleased with her work.
By the middle of 1981, an acceptable version of the Tourism Task Force Report would be ready for presentation to the people of Manly.
Wran had told me that, €œthe best was of dealing with Meers is for me to get involved personally €œ. So we planned for him to deliver the result of the task force study, which he had promised two years before.
On this visit, he would be guest of honour at an official luncheon at the Snapper Inn, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
The concept was for copies of the report to be handed out, while Wran made a powerful speech, which would highlight a list of the €œgoods €œ which were about to be delivered for the benefit of tourists and locals alike.
The most significant item on the list as the first new ferry, to be called €œFreshwater €œ, which was