Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 761

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Otherwise, there was no hope of winning a vote in caucus.  

Parliament was sitting. Maurie Keene, a senior left wing backbencher, and I were granted a late-night interview with Wran in his office in the House. He looked tired. We sat on a sofa and briefly outlined the reasons for preserving the ancient rainforest ecosystem at Terania. Wran listened quietly, said he would think about it, and bade us goodnight.  

The matter might be raised in caucus at the regular Wednesday morning meeting. The rules limited the opportunities for debate: reports first on the agenda; general business last. If a minister made a report, he could be questioned on the matters he had raised, a debate could ensue, and motions could be moved. But if a matter was not brought up in a report, it would have to await general business, and often there was no time for this before the meeting ended. As the leader, Wran could dominate the agenda, and use his influence to sway votes.

The day before the caucus meeting, Ken Gabb and I tried to see the Premier, to get him to metion Terania in his report. Denise Darlow was firm. The Premier was fully booked and could not see us for several days.

There was one person who could always get access to the Premier -- Jack Ferguson.

"Jack can see you tonight," said Hazel Wilson,

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