State Library of NSW
Walker had arranged for Chris Warren, President of the Australian Journalist's Association, to work full-time on writing my press releases. An editor and a senior production executive from the Fairfax organization donated their time for preparing ads.
Alf Thorpe had always been in charge of running my fund-raising functions. Rather reluctantly, he agreed to share some of the responsibility for the very tight program of this election. Brian Green, who had succeeded Rod Power as an ALP councillor on Warringah Council, ran a big raffle and helped with the campaign dinners. Rod Power was deputy campaign manager and devil's advocate. The overall conduct of the campaign was controlled by the Bob Quail -- my manager.
The structure of our campaign organisation was designed to make maximum use of the diverse talents that were available to us. A network of command was clearly designated in an "Order of Battle" which identified specific tasks for various groups and individuals. Anyone who could contribute their time was given a suitable role, with clear instructions about where he or she fitted into the structure.
The press was talking about the "Put up or shut up" election which Wran had called to answer his critics. Although he had been completely exonerated by the Street Royal Commission, some of the mud had stuck. The continuing allegations of corruption had
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