recently been renamed "The Flicks". Now it catered for another generation of adolescents, with a mixture of films and live entertainment--and cheap booze.
The Wran government had relaxed the liquor laws to allow alcohol to be served in theatre foyers. This seemed a civilized idea: patrons might sip a glass of champagne, beer or scotch while waiting for a show to start. The special theatre licences restricted the sales of alcohol to the foyer, and to times when the theatre was in operation.
I began to hear reports that "The Flicks" had taken advantage if its liquor licence in a manner which was far from civilized. Next door was an old block of flats, mostly occupied by elderly tenants. They sent a deputation to see me about the disturbance from late sight shows.
"The Flicks" was staying open until 3am on most nights of the week, with entertainment targeted at the "teenie boppers"--kids from twelve to fifteen.
The residents complained about the noise from loud music and the air conditioning plant, and also about drunken behaviour on the footpath outside.
I took up their case with several government authorities. Excessive noise was the responsibility of the State Pollution Control Commission. They sent along inspectors who set up recording gear in one of the flats. Apparently there was no excessively loud music detected during the recording period, but the noise