in her new svelte form. But she had many countervailing attributes. She was intelligent and enthusiastic; and I had come to rely on her advice and initiative.
I told Morrison that Donna would not be sacked. However, on her return, I would insist that the office was to be run in a more businesslike manner.
In my second term in parliament, I had resolved to take a more active role in the government of the State as a whole. Each MP represents his consitituents in matters which extend beyond the boundries of the individual electorate. Residents of Manly were interested and affected by events all over NSW. Also, I felt a need to employ whatever skills I had -- in both Sydney and the bush.
Hence I accepted an invitation to join a select committee which would enquire into the administration of the Western Division of NSW. This was a joint committee with both Government and Opposition members from the Council and the Assembly. It was chaired by Marie Fisher -- a government MLC from Bourke.
This committee work would be time consuming and involve travel in the remote inland. It would not help me win votes in Manly. On the other hand, it would give me a chance to use my training and experience in the management of natural resources. It would help to justify being a biologist in parliament.
Time had to be carefully utilised. Wherever I