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[Page 15]

The arrangement for health and discipline.

Owing our Camp being 800 yards away from the Quarantine Station, I consideret it risky for the Government to put an internement Camp so close by especially as, for about two months, several smallpox confinces being quaratined their. Our drinking water we procured also from this station, through the medium of pipes layd on from this sayd institution. We had a limit of the use of same. On several ocasiones, when the watersupply run short, we wher compelled, to carry it in kerosine tins and Buckets from the Rain Watertanks at the Quarantine Station twice daily. Not that I am afraid to drink rainwater, but I take it to be a risky job, to drink rainwater caught of a Quarantine Roof while patients wher inside, also being forced to carry it from their while the smalpox confines wher housing their. Our daily prayer wher "Dear Good, we don't care how long our liberty gets taken away from us, but grant us our plea that we get liberated enjoying our health". We dug a hole

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