Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 22
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we wher called by our regimental bugler of our Camp Band. 8-9 Breakfast. 10 a.m. Parade. After the Parade their wher all kinds of sports, with cashe prices. We amused ourself immensely all day. At night their wher singing and dancing on the sand. We fancied ourself holding a curtlady in our arms and walzing around the emperors palace untill the haevy sandy ground remindet us, that we wher on Australian soil, the handsome lady, a fellow sufferer like ourself.
The transference from Camp to Camp.
Owing our camp being so close to the quarantine station the Military authority thinking it advisable, to transfer our camp to somewher else. After a lot of prospecting the authoritys found a suitable spot at the top end of the Island. For two weeks previous to our transference to the new camp, we wher compelled to find one men of each tent, to goe to the new site daily, for cleaning land, cutting trees, levelling ground ectra. Neither of us prisoners had a penny payd for our focible labor by the Australian Government, allthough we all wher