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which led to this strike to be declared void. Signed R.S. Sands Major. The Major demandet of us to report to work, while we demandet "Voluntary Labor". The Spies reported to the Major that we wher not enclined to report to work on the afternoon as nothing but the granting of all our Requests would subdue us. So the Major called a well to do Gentleman, Mr Tenfert, the General Director of the New Guinea Company, Headquarters Rabaul to his Office. On his return he informed us his interview had been of a solely private nature, but previous to him departing from the Office, the Comandant had complained to him regarding our behaviour & the treatment we had meted out to him, also that Mr Tenfert should do his best, to get the Camp to listen to his proposals. To wich Mr Tenfert replied: No Internee will return to work untill voluntary work has been promised in writing. He also told us he would try his best to get the Written Promisse of the Major. So we left everything in his hands, as we wher getting "sick". Our stomach wher troubling us daily with pangs of Hunger, everywher we looked, we seen Soldiers standing with Rifle

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