Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 51
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camera put into possision, their photo of the Backbody wher taken. While the Victims wher led to the hospital tent, all the soldiers laughing at us, becourse we wher standing in Groups about our camp,but being helpless to do anything, a sergeant major produced the broken Cat of 9 tails and showed same to us. This insult wher unbearable, one of our partie throwing the remark "Allright you australian B. We meet again, after the War, Men to Men. The Echo of those words hardly gone, when we heard the well known Order "Guard turn out" Every prisoner fled for shelter. I run to our Kitchen, I seen the Guard come in, goe to the Kitchen next to ours, and calling out to the cook to come out. When he came out, the sergeant toke a Rifle from one of the Soldiers, and with a mighty