Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 13
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know. All I know, it has costed me personaly a tidy summe to keep body and soul together while their. After I had been on the Island for about 3 months, I wher suplied with a dungaree suit, two solt shirts, a linnen hat and a pair of Boots. This wher the only waering apperal suplied to us, during our eight months internment under the S.A. Governement. We wher all forced to idle the hours away as best we could for the Government had no ocupation for us, and so all of us, wher deprived of the chance to earn anything, to help us along to buy extra food, clothing tobacco ectra. We consideret ourself the "Guests of a very poor Government".
Our Kitchen and Dinning Room.
Owing our tent being smal, and very inconvenient to use it as Bedroom, Kitchen and Dinning Room combined, we wher forced to procure bags at 4p a pice, old Potatoe Bags. "Went out into the Bushe under guard, procured some sticks, and we soon had a rough and ready Bush Kitchen and dining room. Our Kitchen