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wher liable for arrest, if cought "touting". If a Military Police managed to get near one of these "shools" without being noticed by the "Tout" wich was by no means seldon, he would rush in to confiscate all money found on the tables, sometimes they even arrested the "Banker" & some of his Clients, but mostly they let them off with a caution. All the moneys so confiscated supossed to be also used for the benefitt of the Camp, however none ever got handet to any of the Internees. I hawe it from good Authority, that the Police mostly kept same for their own use, sometimes they only delivered about 1/3 of sume confiscated to their superior Officers.

The Lock Up: The "Lock up" being one of the first building errected in the permanent Camp. It consisted of the stems of trees stuck into the Ground upright fashion, as close together as they would permitt, with Barb wire running all around it on both sides. The Roof wher of Galvanised Iron (second hand). A stoush Pole wher in the middle to wich a "dangerous" Internee could be handcuffed, or lashed, becourse he had been singing or letting his language loose with "plain english" for the treatment served out to him while under arrest. A Sentry being stationed outside the "Lock Up" day & night

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