Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 37
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down. About 10 o clock the provision launch arrived hawing as passengers Col Irving and Capt Hardie, two of the highest Military Officials on board. Col Irving went shortley after the arrival to view the shet, wich had been slightly demolished. On his return Capt Hardie came in company of Lieut Parkes to our enclosure. After Lieut Parkes picking out six prisoners, those wher ordered to come out, wich they dit. They wher sentenced to 3 weeks imprisonement in the Adelaide Jail on half ration, for demolishing Government property,(an old stable, wich had not been in use for yeahrs previous) shurley a bad crime. Those prisoners wher marched off, some coatles, some bootless, some without a shirt on their nine mile journey by train to the Adelaide Jail. The woundet prisoner also wher asisted to this boat at the same time. We remainder wher sentenced to 14 days arrest without enquiry or deffence. On Capt Hardie enquiring if anyone