Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 150
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interned went to work daily. Anything they wished to procure from the Cantine they could do so. These wher only done to cause illfeelings amongst us as many a pris run short on tobaco or cigarettes. Every eveing all "tea leaves" found in the Tea Pots wher taken charge off, by the Internees, to be dried so as to enable them to hawe a "Smoke". One morning a Notice wher issued to us to pack all our belongongs. The Clothing issued to us by the Government not includet. All luggage to be placed in front of our Messes wher it would be taken Charge of by the authority. The Soldiers would be ordered to carry same to the Ordenance Store. We of course obeyed these Instructions, the Soldiers however refused to carry out their "Order" giwen them by their superior Officers. Of course it would hawe been no easy taske to carry all personal belongings & effects stowed in Trunks Bags Boxes & Satchels belonging to close on 2000 Internees. These luggage remained in front of our Barracks during the whole day, at Night of course we carried same into our compartments. Our Strike Committee demandet allmost daily, to grant