State Library of NSW
[Page 11]
tines, through the Soldiers quartermaster made, Coffee Kettle, frying Pan, Water bucket and various other cooking utensils, wich wher necessary out of those tins. Acording to the Rules made at the Hague Convention and signed mostly by all superior nationes on October 18u 1907, a Prisoner of War shall receive desame Rationes, as soldiers of the Government who captured them, we did not get it half, as the weight given at the end of this chapter will show acording to the Books kept by our Quartermaster a Internee. All our complaints fell on deaf ear and never wher altered. The Officer in charge of our Camp hardly troubling about us. On several days, we found the meat to be bad, and unfit for human consumption. We returned same but never received the weight of the bad meat, as promised, the next day, but our usely daily allowance. The way the meat wher forwourdet unti us wher also in a very unsanitary way. It came in canvas bags about 3-400 lb in weight. Herein in layd from early in the morning untill the afternoon in the Quartermasters tent. We scrubbed
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