State Library of NSW
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explains that no Cdivil Internee can be forced to Work. Our Payday being ones every fortnight (2) Weeks) We received the summe of 7 shillings & 6 pence. 6d. being deducted for the cook & 4 shillings to be put into the Savings bank, to our credit, able only to draw it when released. We rcieved a stamped Receipt for bank money & deducted. At work we wher battaliones, under heavy guard in charge of a Lieutenant. Half the Pris. Worked the forenoon, the other half during the afternoon. It wher very hard work, with scanty payment. Building the barracks employed 150 Internees. Owing our number being over 400 Internees of course we needet a store to enable us to procure anything needet, to keep body & soul together, wich we wher unable to receive in our Kitchen. So the Camp Comandant installed a Canteen in Camp. The prices however wher, like in a Chemist Shop. Everything wher 50% in excess of outside Retail prices. Owing our pay being mostly irregular, we wher permitted a credit of 4 shillings in the Cantine every two weeks. If our Credit run above this summe, we wher charged 2d. writing expenses. Owing the Cantine being the only place, to enable us to procure anything like food, tobacco Matches ectra, no wonder the proffit this structure made out of us Internees, being imense. The proffit the Cantine made supossed to be for the benefitt of
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