Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 185

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[Page 185]

written answer. Enclosed you will find a Copy wich we beg of you to forward on to the "Visitor" another copy we hawe forwardet to the American Consul Mr Britain. Signed The Comittee
E Mounies F. Schröder
President          Secretary

These wher never answered, however it had the effect that 1 tent got a Wwooden Floor, also that we could send them some Reading Material & some tobacco. During April 1916 we wher surprised to see the escapee Andree being brought back to Headquarters under strong Guard, handcuffed Hand behind his back & Leg Irones on. Him hawing been recaptured near Bourke 800 miles away from hier right in the Hearth of Australior. A place more like a dessert than land fitt habituations. After being photographed with Leg Irones on, legs well apart he also wher put into the special compound. April 12 there wher a small tribunal sitting wich only dealt with the escapee H Zöller, the one wich had pushed the Wheelbarrow. The next day our Notice Board

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