State Library of NSW
[Page 156]
Pris are requested not to converse with Guard or Sentry IV Sentences for less serious offences, the Pris will be noticed & the Comandant will punish same, as he thinks fitt. By more serious offences the Pris. must be arrested. However the Pris shall be sentenced by me or my representative with as much urgency as possible. V The Lock Up to be made more inhabitable. Floring shall be layd in same also walls build. The "arrest" shall not be detremental to the health of any confinee. However I do not warrant that "Arest" shall be a place for recreation. VI Police or Guards shall in future not take the Law into their own hands. Any complaints of these sort, will receive a urgent enquiry. VII Medical Attentance I cannot promise at present however garantee the visit of a Medical Doctor shall be at least twice per week. Meyer, Hospital Sergeant will mend wounds in future & not wound men. VIII The Canteen: Prices will be ones more revised, to fully gone into the outlay & income & prices made acordingly. The Canteen shall also be enlarged. IX Newspapers: Six Weeks old Newspapers will be sold in future at the Cantine. The price to be 1 d. each.
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