State Library of NSW
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to send a Represantive, also that the Minister of the German Church in Sydney, Pastor Schenk had applied for permission. But their applicaiones had not been granted untill now 9 months later. So ones the case explained & us finding the Church free of all blame we promissed "full patronage" in future wich he allways had. The Church Service wher held in The Thearther. A few days after this memorable Sunday, two Internee while being employed about the Camp, fellt like having done anough "labour" for the 1 shilling pay, so they decidet to hide. When the Guard missed those & the search begann for same, but without avail, however at the "Tea Parade" they wher detected & arrested. On the way to the "lock up" one of the Military Police struck one of the "arrestants". On us seeing this outrage, as it wher done right before our Eyes, made our blood boil, & we complained again in a body. The result of our complaining was, that our choosen Spokesman "Mr Burkhart, a well known Sydney Metal Merchant wher also arrested & placed in he Lock Up. About 1 hour after the "Arrest" we demandet of Capt Griffiths, ll in Comand of our Camp, as Major Sands the head official wher absent to have the Pris. Released. We however wher informed to
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