Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 136

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[Page 136]

wher only ocupied by the Consul to listen to complaints. This wher the first visit of any Official, wich interested himself in the treatment of Pris. Of War & it wher about time two. During the lodging of complaints the Camp Comandant wher present with the Consul. He turned blue with rage & temper and he marked himself names of several internees, who had told the truth about his management of our Camp & those had to suffer in due curse for it. When the Prisoners wher led out for a walk to get out of the Consuls reach they passed a spot wich looked like a Grave. They enquired of the guard if that wher the spot wher the Captain Schmidt wher buried wich got shot during the strike. The Soldiers informed those, that the shooting had been only a farce & a invention by the Comandant. Lieutenant Schmidt had been transferred to the Internment Camp at Trial Bay on desame day, when arrested in Camp. This we found out after to be the truth. The Theather This is a Structure build out of Bush timber. The Roof & outside building wher secondhand, corugated iron. The Seats, Stage, well in fact everything wher made out of Bushtimber. The work to erect same, wher voluntary

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