State Library of NSW
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Complaint List wher filled. Their wher to be found allmost all the names of all Internees. Especialy the more wealthy ones. We wher surprised to see all those who had put their names on the sayd List to be forcibly marched, to work in the Bush under heavy escort. Those who had entered their names also but, hawing worked the forenoon wher taken for a Walk in the Bushe, also under heavy escort. One Pris Meyer by name, Secretary of the Sydney Fascical Union, a stornsh Socialist owing him refusing to goe for his Walk previous to same hawing seen the Consul & lodged his Complaint wher permitted to goe to Sydney with a Soldier Guard. The Guard of course seen to it, same dit not return until the Consul had left the Camp. The Consul Mr Britain visited the hospital & listened to complaints made by the patients with regards to their treatment & the treatment in Camp generally. He than visited the Camp in company of the Camp Comandet Major Sands. These Comandant tried to prevent any one from getting near the Consul to lodge any complaints. When we seen the Comandant tried to provent us from lodging our complaints, those remai
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