Item 15: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of events at Torrens Island Internment Camp, 1915 and Holsworthy Internment Camp, 1915-ca. 1919 - Page 71
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being unable to keep the wett out any longer I wher drenched to the skin. Owing it getting duske and me being tired and worn out, I strained my eyes, to find a resting place for the night. While being on this mission, I noticed a man coming riding in my direction. Owing hawing no covering near, escape wher out of the question. So keeping on my way, thinking it to be a trooper, and so shurly armed, I made up my mind, to try, to keep my liberty, through the medium of "Bluff" I admitt, I wher desparete at the time, and would have trespassed any law of the Land "if need had compelled me" to, to regain my freedom. However my fears wher groundless as the Rider turned out to be the "boundry rider"an employee of the Station, to watch the stock and the fences. This Boundary Rider had taken me for a Rabbit trapper, so wher goimg to forbid me from setting traps in this sayd paddock owing sheep grazing in same. After conversing