Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 89
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Jan.21st at noon. We have just seen the last of Lemnos. Of course we are glad – yet there are many things we will miss – The unconventional freedom for one & the unique experiences we had there. The glorious colourings of the sky – the watching of the beautiful Star of Bethlehem at night & the harbour & the hills: but when we come to the cold & wind, it's then we are thankful we are not going to spend the winter there – in fact we couldn't have for the night after we were safely on the ship (we sisters I mean) a hurricane came & no tent was left standing by the morning. The huts may have been made of brown paper for all the shelter they gave. The only places habitable were the terrace of cubicles especially built for the Officers. It was Providence that the Patients were gone & we out of the way. Goodbye Lemnos – we take away many happy memories of you. I wouldn't have liked to have missed you yet I have no desire to see you again.
We are having such a good time on the ship – The English Matron & Sisters are sweet to us & are doing all they can to make us happy, & how we appreciate all the nice things. The white tablecloths – the bright cutlery & pretty crockery ware & the exclamation that went on at the first meal on board. I was made to feel a terrible way back when my neat door neighbour nudged me and said, "for goodness sake don't be such a baby" but the English Matron said it did her heart good to see how happy and appreciative we were & paid us many compliments. It seems that our 3rd. has a rather good name. I must just say