Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 183
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15th The hospital was taken over by the Canadians yesterday. And all our Sisters have gone to stay in London to await orders. Colonel advises us we will be able to join them in a few days, so we are feeling happen about things.
The Canadian Sisters are very breezy & entertaining. So one thing I wish we would follow their example & place all our Sisters on an equal footing with 2 Stare & so do away with the unfairness that we staff nurses feel.
Hotel York, Berness St, London 22.3.1917. It's the first of Spring and its been Snowing at intervals all day.
26th We are still waiting and I am taking things quietly. So quite true if you get a cold in England in the winter it's the hardest thing to get it better. I have only been out one & that was to revisit St Pauls the crypt & the wonderful whispering Gallery there. Then on to see The old Curiosity Shop & afterwards & I do think we do uncommon things. An amiable policeman advised us to go through Lincoln Inns law courts which was close by & very soon we are seated comfortably, listening to a case in the (Lord Ridding) we enjoyed it all thoroughly.
This is a long letter – longer than I realised & I will say good-bye 'ere I be tempted to tell you of the spirit of unrest due to many things. I do so want to leave the cold country. Yet I wouldn't return until it is all over – unless I were sent back for my Healths sake & I trust that won't be.
With ever so much love to you all.
Sincerely Yours
Anne Donnell