Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 256
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splash and you can just imagine how the boys enjoy the swimming, then beyond again is a fishing pond. And now as I write the boys in blue look very picturesque sitting on the side of the green bank trying their luck. To the right are the woods where very often the Sisters will make up a small party & Take a few of the boys, boil a billy and have a picnic tea there. The buttercups and daisies are a delight – the cattle, the sheep and their wee lambs are calmly grazing in the near meadows, the birds are wonderful. The [indecipherable} notes never cease day or night – every few minutes the wandering cuckoo calls. The grass and trees are green with a greenness that one seldom sees in Australia. There is warmth from the sun, sweet scent from the hawthorn and above all is a sky of heavenly blue – such is to-day. It all lends to make one forget. Yet there is that restless ache still, that I suppose one cannot lose until this strife is over – and this Terrible offensive – but this letter is not going to be a war letter – for I want to take you with me to St Ives Devonshire and Bexhill – where I spent my last leave but first of all I will answer the question that I feel sure you are framing to ask "Yes, but what happened to the C.C.S. I , am hoping in