Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 135
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PPS We're not going to be a bit happy in England. That's how we feel today and I want you all to know the reason why. At the close of the Mess Meeting last night (by the way we decided for the present to live on ration to see how we get on) that relieves us of the Servants wages difficulty but I think all the same the portions allowed us will be insufficient for we hungry Australians. The cook says we 92 eat more than the 140 English Sisters. Are you ashamed of us? But you see we haven't had real wholesome food like this since we left Australia & that is 18 months ago so you must excuse us this time) Matron gave us the biggest thunderbolt we have ever had. She said "I have an order to give to you all from General Howle – Twas given to me from Miss Congers "The Matron-in-Chief" and she has asked me to give it to you. I give it to you this once and once only. I shall never tell it again. It is this "Now that you Sisters have been given the rank of Officers and wear Stars you are not go out with N.C.O.s or Privates O Speak to them excepting on duty. And if you do so you will be immediately sent away into a British Hospital). We were silent with surprise for awhile then one Sister asked "Could we dress in Mufti & go out with them – no certainly not. Another little Sister got up & said. Matron I have a little Brother fighting in France that