Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 255
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No I Australian Auxiliary Hospital
Harefield Park
Middlesex, England
My dearest Friends
Tis my day off to-day. I got up early with the intention of spending it in writing to you and really it is one of England's perfect days. I had no idea that there could be such glorious days here. And they have been much the same for 6 weeks. The spring began just before I left St Albans – and its so beautiful. One does appreciate it so after the bare cold winter. I am sitting on a garden seat on the golf lawn. It is so pretty. The roses are out in bloom. Some are help up by poles right around and trailing on chains. To meet each other and just Swinging in the gentle wind and the little brown birds are twittering and swinging with them, but the flowers are beautiful everywhere. Scarcely a day passes but you see some Medical Officers enjoying a game of golf here. This is at one side of the house. Just around the corner and opposite. My room (which is on the 3rd Story) is just a scene of pleasure and peace from sunrise to sunset. First comes the Tennis court then the Croquet lawn just beyond is the swimming pond. A large belt of water with trees and reeds around it which cast the softest shows into the water. And on it lives a lonely but lovely white swan every now & then I hear a great
[note at top of page – I have sent a copy of the Time to Ada and she will send it on to Poll]