Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 108
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8th We are hearing now all about the battles at Romani and Katia & its being published in the papers. We are all so excited about it but as I am writing tis I guess you'll know more about it all than we do here.
I saw by the paper this morning where the prisoners were seen by a representative of the Egyptian Mail. When they each and all said that they were contented with their lot & were very grateful for the food given them on their arrival. A good many had fought on Gallipoli. They were moved a fortnight ago from El Arish to Katia & said that most of the Commands were in the hands of German Officers who treated them fairly well. Though one Greek who had been conscripted from Constantinople said that he and his fellow Christians in the army suffered worst. If there were any extra fatigues to do he said it was always we Christians who were put on to do it by the Germans & that since he had left Constantinople he had heard that all his family had been murdered. Food they said was scarce among them. They had had nothing to eat for 5 days before the engagement. They were however paid fairly regularly each month. The privates getting 5 piastres (one shilling) for their first year & the N.C.O.s getting 25. Dosen't that sound poor? No wonder the Australians create a lot of jealousy.