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worked under great difficulties the first few weeks owing to the delay of part of the equipment but did splendid work in spite of odds. The Staff had to live on Bulby beef & biscuits & now the Dentist is kept busy mending false teeth- those unfortunate ones who had false teeth them

September 23rd 1915
In many ways I feel somewhat reluctant to put in my diary the event & cause of my stay here, however all sorts of things crop up by the wayside in war time & whatever comes or goes one must try & rise cheerfully to the occasion. Little did I dream when I volunteered to do my part for the boys that an odd bit of midwifery should fall to my lot, my patient being Mrs Fiaschi "Our Colonel's wife." When we arrived at Alexandria General Babtie stopped her from going on to Lemnos the consequence was a Nurse had to stay behind with her. A beautiful baby girl- (Alexandra Elisa Fiaschi) "Alexa" was born on the 11th Sept. Both she & her Mother are doing well. Of course I love the babe & when I take her out she is much admired amongst the Officers & men. It seems so strange the one wee babe amongst the soldiers here & how they love to see her. The married ones will immediately tell me of theirs that they have left behind & often pull out a photo from his pocket which quite touches me.
In about 3 weeks Mrs Fiaschi is

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