Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 72
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the Head Quarter Staff of the 4th Brigade and were given a very nice time by Colonel McGlinn Captain's Cleve & Rose. The Table was set for 6 & such bright polished cutlery (quite a luxury). The Australian flag waved over us & now came another dinner to write home about. After soup came a Steak & Kidney pie – sweet peas potatoes marrow & onions – Asparagas & buttered Sauce – Custard & jellies – followed by Grapes apples walnuts almonds & Chocolates. Fancy that for [indecipherable].
Then came an impromptu concert in the open & they wrapped us up in their coat. After came the 3 mile walk back. The Captains escourted us. The Colonel was busy seeing to the Comfort & Shelter if his new Arrivals by the way C Rose is a fine fellow & has been recommended 5 times for the D.S.O. He is in charge of the Machine Gun Section. We are now looking forward to an afternoon with them when they are going to take us to Lemnos on donkeys.
Every morning now till 10am I go to help in the Officers Ward & one of the patients that I sponge & fix up is our Governer General's Brother – Major Hector Munro – Ferguson. He really is such a dear & the essence of kindly peacefulness that one loves doing anything for him. He has had dysentery – but is now improving.