Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 113
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be a Home Service – Not Active Service & in that case would not receive medals. Medals or no medals I'm perfectly sure that such a thought would not have entered our heads. No we are only too pleased & consider ourselves priviledged to be here to be able to nurse our boys. You may think we petty to mention comparisons. It's not good taste I know but on Active Services this point is so evident. The mutual dislike a tommy has for an Aust & visa-verse (I'm not speaking of Sisters now.) It seems such a pity. I have great sympathy for the Tommies but there's no doubt our boys have such open winning ways & make themselves general favourites where ever they so. Sister to this – told me by one of our boys. At one of the Tommy Camps in the desert the Quarter master Sergeant was simply hated by them & they wondered how they could dispose of him. To this consternation it killed him. Never found out. I asked what was done to them & would you believe it the Tommy Officers blamed the Australians. Said that such a think they would never have thought of unless put there by the Australians.
6th Sister Rush & I took 6 of one boys for