Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 85
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Dec. 16th My 2 nephews & two of their friends came along to see me to-night. They have just arrived from the Peninsula We had a few empty beds so I tucked them up in them for the night. My heart goes up in gratitude to think I have them under my wing for a few hours- instead of the uncertainty of knowing what might be happening to them. I have been down & squared the Cook & he has given me some lovely fresh steak, onions & potatoes for their breakfast which must be at 5 a m, for them to do their 5 mile walk & be back to their unit by roll call.
Dec 17th Such a spirit of unrest everywhere. The troops are arriving here as fast & as crowded as the boats can bring them from Ansac & Suvla Bay. They say the evacuation will be completed by Sunday Night- isn't it simply terrible? To-night between 9 & 10 pm the bombardment was very distinct- one would think it was only a mile away instead of forty. The Hsp is being kept as empty as possible- to be prepared for any emergency.
We Night Nurses are beautifully comfortable now in E.P. tents, such a treat after the crowded huts- where my dressing & sponging space was 3 ft by 1 ½ . My old Cabin Mate of the Mooltan (Sister Mullins) is one that shares our E.P. She is the same old gag. On going to bed at 10 this a.m. I see her corner in a perfect litter- She is busy sorting unpacking & repacking all her things. I exclaim "Goodness Gracious Mullins what are you doing." Goodness Gracious Child (She said) Can't you realise that we're likely to be prisoners of war at any minute. I'm going to be prepared to flit." Tis hard to take that view of things with so many soldiers & battle-ships to protect us. However to be forewarned is to be forewarned & to-morrow morning will see me sorting my treasures. Oh dear- the guns again. I must go & do something It makes one cold all over.