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[Page 5]

[Transcriber's note: Anne Donnell, a South Australian, was a nursing sister with the third Australian General Hospital. The letters were written from overseas to friends in Australia, describing the war, her work in military hospitals and her stay in Egypt, England and France]

With the 3rd Australian General Hospital
      Tuesday 25.5.1915
When I said farewell to all my dear friends in South Australia on the 20th I secretly made up my mind that I would set aside each day some time to write a few lines - but oh dear - I soon had to submit to the inevitable and twas not till we left Fremantle yesterday that I felt equal for anything.
On Saturday a crowd of nurses lined up to be vaccinated. I was done under difficulties & that combined with severe seasickness - and to say nothing of loneliness & home sickness I was rather miserable.

Wednesday 26.5.1915
At the word miserable I was called down to be inoculated "against Typhoid" & that makes you feel terribly off colour especially with the vaccinations taking too, but as I am feeling less sluggish tonight I musn't let the interesting items pass by.
First I must tell you that now we have left dear old free Australia behind all our letters will be censored. So have no idea when these lines will reach their

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