State Library of NSW
[Page 79]
down in the car - It was all so quick - and as the sun wasen't shining I'm afraid it will be a failure- Colonel de-Crespigny was busy in the infections ward c his gown on- but on hearing the calls to stop- sent a bat man post haste for his belt & hastened to be on the scene.We learnt later that L.K. inspected the men in the camp across the bay. He gave them a personal message from the King. How the King was very proud of them. Then afterwards to the Officers told them that our boys were the bravest Soldiers in the World.
Sunday 14th. Hip hip hurrah. My luck was in c the snap. Shot after all- and even though the party are on the point of starting you can tell who they are. L.K. in the back seat on the R. side of the car- Sitting beside him is General Munro & General Birdwood in the front. You will see Colonel de Crespigny & Major Smith standing together after the final salute. I will send you out one as soon as I can print them. One and all are asking for one here & I'm making a charge of -/6 to them- it will add to my hobby for the boys. I am almost well again & so thankful. Yesterday was another mail day. Such a number of nice letters coming now. I think I get almost more than my share of letters & papers. Please don't bother to send any more note paper. The Red X is liberal with it.
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