Series 01: Anne Donnell circular letters, 25 May 1915 - 8 July 1918 - Page 133

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saying they don't see why the Australians should come and have the best of everything. But soon he added that that wasn't his view & thinks that our boys should have the best for they deserve it all & are grand fellows. He led me to believe this Hospital was the best in England – And if the boys have a chance at all they will surely have it here. The building was originally an Infirmary – built in 1866. The Indians took it over in the beginning of the war for their wounded soldiers & spent £38,000 in equipping it up as a Hospital. Six months ago the English took it and now its to be ours but I think the upkeep of it will be a heavy expense on the Aust Government.

21st Up till now it has been real dinkum active service – 3 convoys have come in – chiefly English with an odd Canadian or Australian. The E. Sisters & V.A.D.s are all gone – They are going to Salonicka. The pretty V.A.D. They were treasures in the ward. I wish we could have them instead of so many Orderleys.

We 3rd have climbed upwards haven't we? Twas tents first – then barracks & now this – wherever they put us we are like old barn Chucks – immediately settle down & become part & parcel of the place. Work is easing off a Little & any spare time I have I go for walks. It's just lovely walking in the fresh Air here. We are begging to lose our

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