State Library of NSW
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showes us the "ruined Shrine" then very near theres the tiniest little Island where 7 white mice live. Is that dinkum? Asks one Sister. "Yes" says M and six come out at night while the other one plays. Arriving at the castle a smiling Irish boy 'Phillip G Ronki' opens the gate with the welcome "Its free to Australians: On top of the Castle is the lovliest view you could imagine – rising up out of the opposite side of the lake is the Mangerton Devils punch bowl which supplies all Killarney with water. The bottom of the lake has never been fathomed & M tells the following story of how an Australian once tried to test it. Leaving his clothes on the bank he jumps in & after swimming about for sometime – disappeared & they never heard tell of him for a week when he cabled from Aus for his clothes. Another one M tells is that once he persuaded an American to climb to the Top to see what a fine view there was and says I to him afterwards. Shure Sir twas a foine view ye saw now. Yes [indecipherable] the A. It was a very fine view and in the distance I saw the Statue of Liberty in New York. We look in another direction and see the sweet little Island of Innisfallen & one driver quotes to us this verse of Thoma Moores.
Sweet Innisfallen long shall swellIn memory dream They sunny SmileWhich o'er the land that evening fellWhen first I saw the fairy Tale.
The whole place is entrancing. The Irish people pleasing and we all feel like this (from the Kerry Ballads.
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