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Kitcheners staff and on the Hampshire when the she went down. This friend had been wearing Widow's weeds for 6 months/her Husband being reported drowned! When she received a few lines from him saying "I am well don't worry There are 14 of us here I can say no more good-bye". There always had seemed to be some mystery attached to LK death.
23rd The rumours have started again and the latest one is that we are going to France. If we are needed there well that is all – that is what we came out for but the effects of it all here satisfy me without getting any nearer – Naturally its one long long for it to be all over and no one more so than you in Aus who are so far away.
You'll be I am off letter writing – please forgive this – the secret of it must be that there is depression in England but things look brighter since Mr Lloyd George came into office.
With ever so much loveSincerely YoursAnne Donnell.
PS Whenever I picture the coming on of the day staff & the going off of the night/morning I cannot help laughing. Fancy women not being able to walk without falling down – Such was the fact and some fell down several times - We weren't prepared to walk on glassy ice – but twas another experience & tonight they are walking with socks over their boots. The boys went to parade as usual but fell down in the attempt – so it was Ma feast parade.
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