Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 23
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STATISTICS Stock in Victoria March 1855 x345
The Heron Monster gold Nugget 347
Stream tin fom the Ovens River 334
Colonial gems 333
Great discovery of gold at Tarrengower 348x
Deposits of Gold 348x
Tempirature of Victoria & N.S.W. Compared 345x
Quantity of rain fallen in New South Wales
for five years ending 1846 346x
Map exhibiting the Bay of Port Phillip 312
Map exhibiting Portland Bay 312
Monster Nugget dug up at Bendigo 310x
Prices obtained for gold 311x
Gold Circular Victoria 317
Increase of Gold 340x
Probable effects of the gold discovery 341x
Description of Shaft Sinking at White Hill Balarat 318
Comparative value of gold from Victorian and
New South Wales mines from 4300 ounces x296
Drawing of the Harbour & Bay of Geelong 313
View of the Railway Terminus at Geelong 313
Yield of gold in Victoria Septr 1855 351xx
Deposits of Gold in Australia 319x
Anticipated discoveries of Gold 319x
An enquiry into the positions and State of the alluvial
deposits of gold found in Australia 319x
Anticipated discoveries of gold in Australia 319x
Importance of the Squatting interest of New So Wales 280
Importance of the Australian Colonies 284
The Boomering named by the Aborigines 264
Sales of Crown lands New South Wales 1844 to 1854 x75
Description of the War Boomering x265 & 26[?]
Observations on War Boomerings discharged from Artillary x266
Map of Australia 1st
Index to Second Volume 1st
Guana off the Coast of Australia 285x
Destribution of Lands for Cultivation 287x
Growing injury of the Yellow lucerne 286x
Places named by Aborigines, in the
Northern, Southern & Western districts x258
Drawing of the Ornithonynchus Paradoxus 254x
Steep recommended for Seed wheat 286x
Elevation of Observatories in N/S.W. & Victoria 287x
Australian Wool Sold in Paris 115x
Drawing of Egyptian Wheat 34x
Drawing of Monument to La Perouse 61x
The fluke in Sheep 35x
Boundaries of Lower Darling District 287
Boundaries of Albert District 287
Classification of the Colonists of New South Wales 1851- 309x
Prices obtained for Wool & Tallow January & July each
year from 1844 to 1850 in Sydney & London 106x
Map of New South Wales & Victoria exhibiting the Counties 250
10 miles to an inch
Map of Victoria exhibiting the Counties 232x
Drawing of Oban Station in New England 36x
Drawing of Rockvale in New England 38x
Drawing of Chasemount Station New Enild 34