



These districts like that of Liverpool Plains are subjected to severe droughts and floods - Some seasons being favorable [favourable] to the flock owner giving a general supply of herbage and grass which along with the Myall [indecipherable] Shrub found improve his flocks and herds. The uncertainly of the seasons for a supply of herbage and and grass has every year deteriorated the value of the runs, and I may instance 1850 as a year of failure. That year the
alternative the flockmaster had, was to destroy his increase of lambs to preserve his flocks of Ewes - This expedient Several of the large proprietors of sheep were compelled to resort to.

No fat cattle were sent from this district during 1850.  During the early settlement these districts were famed for the cattle they sent to the Sydney Market  - The herbage and grass of these districts were considered of the richest description & the Cattle brought the highest prices in the Markets.
The dairys [dairies] were farmed for the quality &
Supply of butter & Cheese these were for some years falling off and the year 1850 may be reported as an entire failure and [of?] these products -


This district [which?] formerly formed part of the extensive district of Liverpool Plains was separated in 1847 - This year the Returns exhibit the amount of Stock in the district. Previous to this a practise [practice] had been adopted by the flock owners in the adjoining district whose Stations were situated on range country of farming fattening [indecipherable] in Gwyder for their withers & surplus stock which is now adopted by many of the large Stockholders in the District of New England.  During 1850 an unusual year of drought of the district suffered, The flockowners gave orders to splay the heifers & Cows on their runs & that all Strange Bulls found on their runs would be shot. They found their runs overstocked and this year they were compelled to search for New Country Situated in the North & North west where favourable runs were found in the adjacent district of Marunoa.

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