Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 612
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JULY 13TH 1854 -
I am scarcely able as yet to form an opinion regarding the new rush to Warreneep [Warrenheip?]. Like all other places similarly circumstanced, some, even in the earliest period of the rush, do well, and say, very naturally, that the field is a good one; while many, after what may be termed a fair trial, are unsuccessful, and consequently report discouragingly of the place.
However numerous the blanks may be, they do not alter the case when an average number of well paying claims have undoubtedly been found.
Perhaps the field may have some characteristic features not yet found out, which, when known, may render sinking more generally attended with success ----- Attention has for long been directed to this quarter, and though the present rush may not end in the discovery of a "line" still it has enlarged the boundaries of our gold field, and will contribute in a small way, then at the worst, to increase our escort returns.
It is certainly rather singular how many diggers are still "fossicking" [type of asterisk in margin] among our old gullies round the Black hill, and all up the ranges where Eureka had its rise, there is still a considerable population, independent of the numerous Chinamen, who appear to make any place pay them --- Eureka is getting [indecipherable] thinned of its population, but so it was about this time, or rather later, last year
There were good days in store for it then, and so there are yet - The line then as now, was creeping up the hill, and has but few admirers; but times changed, if so they will again when it gains the hill top and, like every thing else which is good looking and doing well, will have lovers enough - that incomprehensible place Creswicks Creek, is again recovering its population.
Many have gone thence to Avoca lately, but have again returned, determined to try their luck among the old gullies - they must soon discover new ones or again emigrate. Avoca has for a considerable time, kept our diggers on the move, parties are hourly going & coming with all the contradictory statements which new fields gave rise to, one day the line is there lost, next it is recovered and doing better than ever, next day a second line is reported as having been hit on. It is however a field much in favour at present, and a fossicker [type of asterisk in margin] is one who occupies a deserted claim, or who rewashes the earth of the first diggers