Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 146
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When the weather is favourable the Shearing of the washed flock Commences in a few days after washing, this time allows the yoke to rise in the wool which is desirable after washing.
A Sufficient number of Sheep for Shearing at one time, are run out from the hurdles, which is regulated according to the number of Shearers employed, these are driven to the Shearing Shade, where they are placed in the Catching pen as exhibited above, which is floored with battens as a raised grating, and where the Shearers repair for unshorn Sheep. During Shearing the main flock is Sent out to graze, and where required a further Supply is obtained.
The above drawing exhibits the process of Sheep Shearing, rolling up the fleeces, and Sorting the wool. The figure in the foreground represents the fleece gatherer who Collects from the Shearers as taken from the Sheeps back, when they are rolled up and tied by the figures in the left Compartment of the Shade, and afterwards arranged by the wool Sorter into the binns allotted for Combing and Clothing qualities, after which the fleeces are packed into bales for the Markets.