


The price during the week for gold has been seventy shillings per ounce

Quartlely Statement of the amount of Gold brought to Melbourne and Geelong by escort in 1855, compared to the corresponding quarter of 1854.

  1854 1855
  160:570 194:606
  134:911 210:847
  145:318 243:802
  440:799 649:255
1854   440:799
[?]crease on the quarter ending 1855   208:456
on the years   370:740

Number of persons arrived  1206
Number that have left            370
                                               836  and years  47 & 48

The escorts have brought this week 41,451 ounces and year 2 177 887 ounces or 110 tons 8cwt 3qrs 6lb 6oz at 80/ £10 602 312.
Exchange in London Drafts agt gold purchased at 2 per cent disct
Freight 4½d per oz delivered at the Bullion office Bank of England London

GOLD EXPORTS 1855   110 tons 8 cwt  3 qrs  6 lb against 88 tons 8 cwt 3 qrs 8 lb for 1854
POPULATION 1855 Three hundred & twenty five thousand persons
IMPORTS 1855. £10,222,294     EXPORTS 1855 £12,706,953 Showing a balance of exports over imports of £2,484,559[?]
WOOL SALES Weekly public Wool Sales are now fully established. The mode of Sale was to dispose of the whole flock inclusive of the lambs wool, which is paid for at the price of fleece, the pieces taken at two thirds and the locks at half  the price of the fleece.
REVENUE The gross revenue amounts to £2,744,594.
1856    The revenue was estimated at £2,738,600.
1856     The expenditure estimated at  2,792,152.



[Newspaper clipping]

We have Melbourne papers to the 11th instant.
From the Age :-
On Wednesday evening (20th June), the largest nugget yet discovered, was found at Ballarat, at a depth of 190 feet. About half-past seven o'clock p.m. the men at work in the Red Hill Gold Mining Company's claim on the Bakery Hill Lead close to where it crosses the Black Hill road, came upon the "monster". After half an hour's hard work they succeeded in getting it to the surface, when the joyful intelligence was immediately communicated to all the shareholders who were in reach. The weight of it is about 180 lbs. When first weighed it proved to be 195 lbs 11ozs 10dwt., but there was then clay in the interstices and adhering to the surface of it. After it had been cleaned, there was no means of ascertaining its exact weight, but the owners estimated it as above. This wonderful nugget is almost twenty inches long, by six or seven broad, and nearly as much deep. It had a narrow escape from being two nuggets instead of one, for at a point one third from the end, its continuity is only maintained by a narrow neck which is so slight that the men were afraid to handle their prize much, lest they break it in two. In shape, it has a grotesque resemblance to a skeleton horse's head and shoulders, the narrow part we have mentioned representing the neck. Or it looks like a continent with a peninsular attached to it by a narrow isthmus. I bears upon its side the marks of several blows of the pick.








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