Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 431
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In addition to my writings on the Ornithorynchus Paradoxus I have been favored [favoured] with those of William Morris Esqr. M.D. of Armadale who has obligingly forwarded me those of two Specimens Male and Female.
" The Ornithorynchus Paradoxus is about the size of a Duck which it somewhat resembles when first seen on the water. It is of rather an anomalous character, being covered with a thick fur to somewhat of the colour of a rat The fur is very close & fine; & if well prepared it is equal to any Martin [Marten] Sable skin. The Ornithorynchus has a bill like a Duck, which is covered with a black cartilaginous substance resembling tanned leather.
Cartilaginous substance about three quarter of an inch in depth. Posterior to this there is a reseptical [receptacle] which opens on each side
into the mouth & capable of holding a pigeons egg, into this receptacle the animal collects the various flies & insects {on which it lives}. The tongue is small & narrow in Comparison to the size of the bill. The papilae [papillae] on the tongue are large & rough. Eyes small & deep set, the animal, being quick sighted and hard to shoot on this account.
This animal has four webbed feet, the fore feet having the claws attached to the first phalangis
which claws are small & blunt, To the Second & third phalangis [phalanges] is attached the webb [web] of a black leather like substance without
scales. The hind feet differ from the former in having the claws longer, sharp & Stronger placed on the last phalangis. In the Male the hind feet are armed with a very strong Sharp & poisonous spur {Corresponding to the great toe. In the female the claw or spur is awanting. This spur is curved about three quarter of an inch in length, and has a vulvular opening about half a line from the point through which a clear limped [lumped?] fluid exudes when the claw is pressed. This fluid
the natives believe to be poisonous. This fluid is secreted by a gland in each groin. The gland nearly circular about the size of a marrowfat pea & surrounded by a thick fleshy muscle without any bony attachment, within the gland is a Central Cavity which is full of this fluid out of which cavity proceeds a straight duct passing along the leg into the spur. The Metatarsal bone on which this claw is placed is very large. There
glands & spurs are totally absent in the female & the groin filled with fat instead.
the Skin is very thick and Closely attached to a superficial or "Dirmoid" [?] muscle - the fur being so close that it will turn a charge of Shot unless
struck against the grain - Tail large and beaded with granular fat. The auditory