Volume 01: Production and resources of the northern and western districts of New South Wales, 1854 [ca. 1850-1857] - Page 98
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The Oparra or Native Cherry.
This fruit grows on a tree of a Similar height to the English Cherry tree. The leaf of the Oparra is light green, and is like the pine tree leaf. The fruit is Seldom found larger than buck Shot & is of a bright red Colour, ripe during [?]
The Banksia (native name, Embianna & Lotcherra (Honey Suckle of the Colon[?]
There are two Species of this tree. The Embianna, which is a bush & is be found in the Swamp or low Country, and the Lotsherra which grows on high gr[ound] & ridges to a height of from 20 to 30 feet. The leaf of both Species is Somewhat like [?] of the holly bush, of a dark green Colour where exposed to the Sun, & white on the under part of the leaf — The fruit has the appearance of a hair bottle brush & [is] found from three to Seven inches long. The cob when ripe as also the bristle are of a bright Cream yellow Colour. The cob Contains a great deal of honey. Banksias are ripe in March, during this Month the blacks assemble from all quarters to the [honey] Suckle or as the blacks term it the Sugar bag grounds where abundance [ab....] them — The Small Native bee is found here in great numbers during this Season
At present there are no English bees in New England When these are brought and placed in the Banksia Scrubs, abundance of honey will be obtained in the district. The wood of this tree is light and spongy & is finely variagated —
THE OPIA. This Yam is Small & is Shaped like a Kidney Potatoe, it is Seldom found larger than an [inch?] in diameter & about two inches in length, the Colour is white. The blacks eat this Yam both roasted & [?] & the taste when ripe is between that of a Spanish nut and a Sweet potatoe. The Blacks procure this near to the roots of trees.
RANDA This Yam has a green top & with a yellow flower in the centre. It grows in Swamps and Marshy [ground?] its taste is similar to the Kernel of a Spanish nut.
THAMBANGA or Breechen grows in Swamps & is about the Size of a marble or musket ball, its roots are [formed] Similar to a carrot, This is a very nutritive Yam, is mealy & dry is much Sought after by the Native [&] Five Yams are found at each root
ELONGA OR ELNONGA. This Yam grows among the rocks in the hill Country. The Elnonga branches from the roots, and are eaten raw. They are Six inches long and one inch thick. Horses & Cattle are very fond of the tops of the Elnonga